Easter Bunny Basket

I had as much fun making this as the kids did! A couple of weeks ago we hosted a Huggies DryNites event (more to come on that later) and this was the children’s craft activity. They had loads of fun making it (and filling it with sweets as no time for an Easter Egg Hunt). These take no time to whip up and will make adorable basket to collect Easter Eggs in on Sunday.

You will need:
3 paper plates (1 for face, 1 for ears, 1 for the back pocket)
Large googly eyes
Coloured markers
Pom Poms
Cotton wool balls – optional for the cheeks
Strong glue to hold the weight of the sweets / easter eggs or you can staple it together.

1) The photo step by step is pretty self explanatory but just one thing to be aware of; when you make the bunny’s face and ears be sure to use the back of the plate. This way when you attach the paper plate to the face you will have made a nice pocket out of the two paper plates big enough to collect the eggs (so in other words the right sides of the paper plates get stuck together).

Easter Bunny Egg Basket Children's Craft

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