LoveCrochet Snowflake Appeal
Home-Start need your help guys. Together with LoveCrochet and Kirsty Allsopp they are on a mission to collect 30,000 snowflakes to give to the children and families that Home-Start supports to hang on their Christmas trees. This is a really great cause and your snowflake will mean so much to these families over the Christmas period.
Who are Home-Start? Home-Start gives emotional and practival and practical support to thousands of struggling families across the UK every year, but there are still thousands they can’t reach, which is why they need your help! The lovely Sarah Jayne from Bella Coco has written a pattern that can be downloaded from the LoveCrochet website right here. Its not a difficult pattern to follow at all and if you are struggling you can watch her video tutorial here. Please note her pattern is in UK terms.
What it means to me? I wish we could help all the children and families who are struggling all over the world. Its a very genuine wish and being a parent myself I know its tough keeping everything in check from finances, to making sure our children are safe. We are fortunate enough to have a warm home for our boys, feed them and be able to buy them the basics to keep them from struggle. If we collectively donate and / or make snowflakes we can all help, giving whatever you can you contribute to helping and therefore making a difference.
If you can’t crochet or you would like to help further, then you can also donate to this cause right here. By choosing to donate to the Home-Start Snowflake Appeal, you are helping a family in need this Christmas. Every little bit helps as the saying goes.
Once you have made your snowflake embellish them as you like – add bells, trims, sparkles or buttons. Anything you like each one will be as unique as the children and families they are going to. I decided to add little bells on each corner of my snowflake and love the little jingle they make.
Share your makes using #snowflakeappeal I’ll certainly be keeping my eye on the different snowflakes being crocheted this month and next. I’ve committed to making 8 for now, each in one of my favourite colours (yes because I have 8 favourite colours right now!). Here are my first two, what do you think?
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