I am often asked how I made my Granny Square inspired bunting so tonight I thought I would post the tutorial: how to make a granny triangle. The principle is the same as Granny Squares but instead of 4 corners you just have 3 and the rounds continue in the same way. After […]
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I was very happy to be featured on Urban Craft Collective‘s blog this month. They are doing a whole spread on Crafting in Public and those who have met me will know I have no shame or embarrassment and craft whenever I can and wherever I can! There’s a little photo to prove this below. […]
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Check more out from House of Holland here
The post House of Holland – Granny Squares on the Catwalk . . . appeared first on Tea and Crafting.
The post Crochet Flower Brooch Pattern appeared first on Tea and Crafting.
StitchMinder StitchMinder is a free stitch counting utility application for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch. The program provides four customisable counters that can be used to track rows completed, pattern rows, increases, and decreases. Counters can be configured to count upwards or downwards, and your counts are always stored when you close the program […]
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