This month I celebrate 3 years of Tea & Crafting as a bricks and mortar in Camden, but its really been 5.5 years since Tea & Crafting turned from an idea into reality, as I took my first tentative steps into the crafting world. What started as a side hobby teaching knitting and crochet to everyone who wanted to learn […]
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As you know we have gone a little crochet mad this month and our Beginners Crochet | Star Garlands has been a popular workshop this month so much so that we have added a new date to the calendar (26th Nov 7pm). I know how versatile the granny square basic design can be and have […]
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I am often asked how I made my Granny Square inspired bunting so tonight I thought I would post the tutorial: how to make a granny triangle. The principle is the same as Granny Squares but instead of 4 corners you just have 3 and the rounds continue in the same way. After […]
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Check more out from House of Holland here
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Yesterday morning I happened to catch Journalist and Milliner, Mary Jane Baxter doing a crafty TV spot on making a wedding dress under £10. Somehow Kate and Prince William stole my limelight – I really thought my wedding was going to be the wedding of year but I’ve upstaged by Royalty :-). Mary Jane is […]
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