A Wedding Dress under £10?

Yesterday morning I happened to catch Journalist and Milliner, Mary Jane Baxter doing a crafty TV spot on making a wedding dress under £10. Somehow Kate and Prince William stole my limelight – I really thought my wedding was going to be the wedding of year but I’ve upstaged by Royalty :-).

Mary Jane is brilliant at putting things together and customising, a crafty talent in itself! I particularly love Mary Jane’s granny square scarf she is wearing on her travels. If you missed the report and Mary Jane’s cool scarf watch it here.

Last year Mary Jane interviewed me for Cloth Magazine and I taught her how to crochet, she did a great job and later joined one of my Granny Squares workshops. A fabulous mind for recycling and customising clothes. To read the online version of the interview and get your free crochet flower pattern that we made together click here.

Mary Jane Baxter and her dresses

My favourite one she made for under £10


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