Yarn Shopping in Argentina ….

Oh my god – Buenas Aires is a mecca to yarn shopping. The corner of Cordoba and Scalibrini Ortiz in Buenos Aires marks the entrance to knitter paradise …. never have I seen so many yarn stores in one road. O.M.G!
So I took advantage of marital bliss and honeymoon lovliness and dragged my husband to the yarn district, actually if the truth be known thank goodness for him as I probably would have got lost. Buenos Aires is a huge city and the roads are very long so it took us a while to get to the junction we needed to. But we got there!!
I bought quite a bit of yarn – well I had to! Would have been rude not to. Great prices and amazing selection I HAD A BALL! You do need to know a bit of Spanish though, I struggled a little at the beginning but by my 3rd shop I got familiar with the terms and hey – alpaca, acrylic, merino etc are pretty similar in any language.
See some photos below of the shops I visited:
Inside Moussa
Inside Nube
 And now all my shopping … above just about to enter Moussa – no yarn yet!
 Above: One HUGE bag …..
 Above: Two bags woo – hoo this is so much fun!
Above: Just finished my last shop at Nube … three bags (now just got to figure out I can sneak the yarn in Gavin’s bag as there is no more space in mine!)

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