It’s all in a Name
In a town called Wells-Next-The-Sea there is a little lane called . . .”Knitting Needle Lane” and to prove it here is the map marked with an “A”:
What an address to have it certainly put a smile on my face when I came across it purely by accident this morning searching for some (yes you guessed it) knitting needles.
There are still a few spaces left on Saturday’s Beginner’s Knitting Workshop and a few spaces left on the crochet flower brooch and loom knitting workshop too.
Tea & Crafting will be holding a special Granny Squares Workshop inspired by Paul Smith’s A/W 2010 collection. The rules are choose you own colours as long as the border is done in black and you will be on your way to crocheting like a fashionista. Keep an eye out for further information – you can make your own designer dress at a fraction of the price or follow through on the idea and design your own Paul Smith inspired scarf?
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